New community development

Biodiversity & habitat management planning | Biodiversity Net Gain assessment | Ecological Clerk of Works | Ecological Impact Assessment | Ecological mitigation and compensation planning & implementation | Habitat and fauna surveys | Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

Applied Ecology provides ecological planning support to new settlements, and has been appointed to assist with a number of large-scale new community developments across the UK.

Our involvement typically includes the provision of strategic ecological and biodiversity design advice at the development planning stage, collaboration with other technical disciplines, consultation with consultees and the general public and attendance at masterplanning and public charette events.  We provide ecological impact assessment and biodiversity net gain advice to support development planning, and can advise, plan and implement necessary ecological mitigation during construction.

Chapelton is a planned 810 hectare new town in Aberdeenshire, the design of which was inspired by the urban settlements of north-east Scotland such as Montrose, Stonehaven and St Andrews. Applied Ecology was commissioned by the Elsick Development Company to provide strategic ecological input at the development design stage, and completed an ecological impact assessment of the development proposals which included 4,405 new homes along with shops, offices, parks and schools and associated infrastructure.

Applied Ecology completed extensive baseline habitat mapping and fauna surveys to inform development planning, which included badger territory mapping to inform the production of a badger mitigation plan in support of the planning application. Following receipt of planning permission, Applied Ecology provided ecological support for the construction of Cairnhill – the first neighbourhood to be built within Chapelton.

  1. The Chapelton site was originally comprised of a mixed agricultural landscape dominated by grazing pasture with pockets of mixed and plantation woodland.
  2. The recently built Cairnhill neighbourhood in Chapelton